Education and Awareness
We need to educate and create awareness to accomplish our goal of increasing public understanding of addiction and mental illness.
According to the findings of the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 40.3 million Americans aged 12 or older are currently struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD). Disorders related to substance use are still a major problem affecting people's health in this country.
Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, SUDs are chronic diseases characterized by unhealthy patterns of substance use that have negative effects on health, social functioning, and the ability to exercise self-control. A collection of mental, behavioral, and physical indicators that the user persists in substance use despite negative outcomes. A doctor can diagnose a SUD or SUDs based on a patient's symptom pattern after prolonged drug or alcohol use. Mild, moderate, or severe SUDs can affect people of any age, gender, socioeconomic status, or racial or ethnic background.